How To Train a Dog (Thnak you to anyone who viewed the website, it is now complete!)

When you've found the perfect dog for you, the next thing you"ll want to do is train it! These steps will help you with just that!

You are going to need some items and treats to train your dog. So here they are!

Items and Treats you may need:

  • Small training treats (Example: Milkbone Treats)
  • Dogs Toys
  • A clicker
  • A small ball
  • A harness
  • A leash
  • A crate
  • What to do with these Items:

  • The first thing you probably wanna do is potty train your new puppy. You could use peepee pads and have your dog use those. Or when your dog is ready to go outside, you could say go potty so they go and when they go congragulate them with a good boy or a good girl.
  • Another thing you are going to want to do is clicker training. To do this you get a clicker, and tell them to do a trick, like sit. After you say sit, even if they don't do it, you still give them a treat so they can learn the word
  • Another thing you can do is harness and leash training. For this you have to let your dog get used to the harness so let your dog check it out and then keep it on them for a little while then give them some treats so they know that it is a good thing.
  • Another thing you can do is crate training. Lets say yur dog uses the bathroom on the floor, and you dont want them to do that, you can put them in the crate and eventually they will learn not to do it if you are consistent with them and let them know that something like using the bathroom on the floor is bad. Don't keep them in for that long, maybe for 5 minutes.
  • I hope anyone who reads this article found some of the information useful. Thank you!

    Heres a guide to learn even more about dog training Click this link!

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